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ChatGPT title banner

The team at Stoic has been testing out ChatGPT’s various capabilities in order to see if the AI model is really as good as it has been marketed as. We went through a variety of different research topics, from more complicated tasks such as explaining various medtech, biology and chemical science terms, to the maritime industry, and to simpler and easier tasks like how to talk like a Singaporean and planning a trip in Europe!

Housing. Resilience or Froth.

It’s been 9 months since the Fed embarked on its rate hike cycle, and the S&P 500 has dropped by more than 15%. US credit card debt has ballooned from USD 846 billion in April 2022 to USD 963 billion as of October 28, 2022. With all signs pointing to a recession (in the US only, never Singapore of course), it’s amazing that market positioning and sentiment has remained so resiliently optimistic. The property market in Singapore is a case in point – exhibiting phenomenal divergence in transactions, price and rental rates. It looks bleak enough in the US, but surely Singapore is insulated some say?

Mobility Aids - Out and About in Singapore

With our population getting older, healthcare demand is changing in scope and nature – mobility remains the key issue to address in this space, thereby giving rise to the demand for mobility aids.

Population - A multi-faceted pyramid

Nobody likes a ponzi or pyramid scheme, especially when you’re near the base. But here we point out a couple of the likely challenges in the most pervasive but subtle pyramid scheme of all – our own population.